About the Vulcan Orienteering Club
The Vulcan Orienteering Club is affiliated with the Orienteering USA and is the only OUSA club in the state of Alabama.
- The VOC hosts monthly local orienteering meets, September through May
- VOC meets are held at Oak Mountain State Park and Wind Creek State Park
- Electronic punching is used at most of our local meets
Who orienteers with us?
We have JROTC & NJROTC high school students, ROTC college students learning land navigation, Boy Scouts working on scouting requirements and orienteering merit badge, Girl Scouts, adventure racers wanting to improve their navigation skills, people that want to learn to read maps, people who like to walk in the woods, people who want to see parts of Oak Mountain off the beaten path, and orienteers practicing for a serious O-meet.
Volunteer with Vulcan Orienteering
If you would like to help out with any Vulcan Orienteering events, please contact us at: infovulcanorienteering
VOC Membership
The Vulcan Orienteering Club is a very informal group of people with an interest in orienteering. At this time, we have no formal meetings or membership dues.
How do you become a member?
If you come and participate in one of the local meets, you may consider yourself part of the Vulcan Orienteering Club. The cost to run a local VOC course as an individual or small group is only $8, plus $2 for e-stick rental (if you do not have your own). Additional maps for group members are $1 each (optional).
At this time, the fees from our local orienteering meets has been enough to keep our supplies stocked. If our numbers begin to grow a little more, or we can not cover our expenses, we may look at having a formal club membership process, or raising the local meet fees.
If you decide to join Orienteering USA (membership application), put the Vulcan Orienteering Club as your OUSA chartered club affiliation.
VOC on Social Media
Follow the VOC on Social Media!
VOC Newsgroup @ Yahoo!
To get the latest orienteering info for VOC, join us at Yahoo! Groups.
Contact Information
If you need more information about the Vulcan Orienteering Club or orienteering, please contact one of the following:
- James Pilman – james
- Joey Ciza – joey
- Anne Mathews – anne